Juggle Not

Juggle Not

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I was busy juggling all of the expectations

So I didn’t see what there was to see

Or where I was going

But only where I thought you thought I should be going


My traveling clothes were always ready

For whatever you could envision

“I’m there” I’d cry excitedly and off we’d go

To someplace foreign and exotic designed by your mind.

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Erasure – penned 2014


Away from my mind by swipes of my own hands I haul you out
Stroke by stroke, the fine memory of a straying hair
Upon your forehead

Out from the depths of past visions I force my thoughts
Iota by iota, the reminiscence of the freckles on your back
Nestled against my chest

Reflections behind my eyes dance out another memory to release
Inch by inch, the musculature of strong runner’s thighs
Toes touching toes

Dawn breaks and with it memories of you scatter like pieces in a kaleidoscope
Tumbling faintly, jagged edge against jagged edge
You are not here – erasure complete

Inspiration – my late husband, today would be our anniversary were he still alive.