Sheet Music

Sheet Music

If I were a melody in your mind, how would you write me?
In Adagio perhaps, as in the best way to approach.
Would you linger over Staccato, to match your heartbeat in my presence?
And although some may prefer Delicato,
It seems best paired with Appassionato, as two hearts enfold into one.

With tempo written, how would then you elicit my sound?
Gentle finger strokes upon ivory, scaling the highs and lows
Lovingly drawing a bow long and slow across heartstrings, echoing
Would you form the strong embouchure required of the reeds and brass
Or be the pounding, driving force holding together the pace found in the percussion line.

How would I sound in your mouth, now that my pace and tone are established?
A siren call of the torch singers of renown – smoky, low and sensual?
As emotional as an aria in the delivery of a stellar tenor declaring fidelity?
Would I be longing, desire and regret undertones in the wail of the blues?
Maybe, I would just be a jazzy, off-key tune you hummed under your breath with a smile.

However you would craft the melody of me
It would always be our background score
Most likely ever-changing, just as we
But always our own, very personal

-sheet music.


Inspiration: A day and a morning immersed in music with an overly active imagination… wondering what i would sound like if I were a song to one that loved me.

8 thoughts on “Sheet Music

      • You had me at ‘Adagio’ a poem I posted a bit ago and am rather fond of. Though you take the whole idea of notations much further which is something I had thought to do but held back. Very wonderful stuff. >KB

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