Weaver of Words


What can I weave for you today?

The Weaver asks

Ferreting for what you are seeking


You see, words in the right hands

Weave greater, more durable textiles

than the finest weavers of tapestry.

Words finely wrought last longer

Than fragile fabric, even though crafted

From a thing more delicate than the most gossamer thread – thought


Just as with a fine fabric

Words luxuriate, cosset, enshroud

They lay upon you, caress your heart skin


Until you find yourself covered

With the thoughts thought inside

Being worn on the outside for all to see


The warp and weft, across, under

The shuttle of thought fabricates

Something from nothing


Until it is held up to the light

Of another soul, for whom it

Fits perfectly


What can I weave for you today?

The Weaver asks

Sensuality? Hope? Understanding, perhaps.


Weaver turns to the collection

Of words kept in coddled piles

Strewn about until needed, paired into the perfect phrase


What can I weave for you today?

The Weaver asks

Beckoning unto you with her call.


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